Giuseppe Geronimo

The Origin

What's behind the mirror?
Perhaps you have asked yourself the same question.
Sometimes a mirror can signify a state of mind, a simple reflection, our beliefs, or it can simply represent a particular moment in our lives; an instant.
I consider myself a simple, eclectic person, and well… sometimes quite complicated.
I have tried and tried again to establish my roots in everyday life, spinning on a carousel only to find myself always at the same point, not understanding why!?
It’s difficult to stand on the shore of your thoughts and face them... especially when you’re alone; but in total darkness, it all began!
I abandoned my personality, my beliefs, my convictions, giving voice to the intuitive and introverted side.
I tried to listen to my imagination through the music of my soul.
Perhaps Suffering and Love are two sides of the same coin.
Two opposites with the same essence that cannot live without each other.
It would be pointless to say how much darkness is behind a mirror, it would be superficial.
What I know is that the boundaries of our soul are infinite, as are our possibilities. What is possibility?
I would define it as rebirth, and this is "The Origin."

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