Giuseppe Geronimo


This piece represents Mary Magdalene.
I wanted to depict the subject by focusing on the 3 fundamental elements: The Gaze, The Cosmic Egg and The Hands.
Mary Magdalene with her active/ receptive gaze looks directly at the interlocutor and wants to communicate the courage and awareness of living your own historical moment, of being witness to one’s existence, embracing life and dancing with it without fear.
The Cosmic Egg which has always been connected to the origin and birth of the world, contains the embryo of life that evokes the original purity, the one to which the wise man returns at the end of their spiritual journey (just like Jesus Christ). It expresses the promise of all possible futures, but at the same time it offers shelter from the uncertainty of the future itself.
Her active/ receptive Hands stage the gesture of welcoming the Divine Grace that comes from above and manifests itself to the world through her eyes.
In this piece, the determination of the woman that flanked Christ on his mission, the woman that is spoken of in the Gospels, symbolises and sustains the role of women today, called to face an epochal challenge to defend Love and Life.
AUTORE: GERONIMO GIUSEPPE Dim 50cm x 70 cm Charcoal & Graphite

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